Infinity Reigns

My Tribe

Hum nu na - listen to me woman
Lun na la - listen to me man
La la lun la - listen to me children
You've got to believe in your tribe

We used to believe in each other
We used to believe in the tribe

Where are we going to?
Now you've gone away
I could believe in you
Why don't you just stay with me?

Where are we going to?
I want to believe
in what you used to be
for our family

Hum nu na - listen to me people
Lun na la - listen to me world
La la lun la - listen to me spirits
You've got to believe in the tribe

We used to believe in each other
We used to believe in the tribe

All I want you to know
Hear me my child
Is that the tribe believes

Where are we going to?
I want to believe
in what we used to be
for our family

All words, images and music on this site are (c) (p) 2022 Infinity Reigns Music